Minggu, 10 November 2013

Dedicated to Alyssa

Nama itu familiar bagi beberapa orang, terutama angkatan gue.  dia baru aja meninggal, hari ini. Mungking gue emang gak deket sama dia, but still kehilangan temen itu nyakitin. Dia adalah temen yang baik, maybe lo bertanya-tanya 'emang lo deket sama dia?' at school, maybe no. tapi di KPM iya, gue sebagai anak baru obviously gaada/gapunya temen di KPM (especially pas orientasi) tapi dia ngajak gue ngobrol instead of ngebiarin gue gitu aja. Dia care banget&baik.

Gue gapernah nyangka kalo dia bisa diambil secepet ini, beberapa bulan yang lalu gue masih bercanda sama dia, ngomongin anak KPM SMA yang ganteng, dan main taptap revenge (seharusnya kita ngikutin acara but oh well). Terakhir gue ketemu dia gue nangis, yaitu pas dreamsmart. Gue duduk di paling belakang karena gue hanya sebatas SOTY, gak lama ada seorang perempuan masuk & jalan tapi dibantuin mama&papanya. Jalan pun susah, kebetulan setelah di duduk nama dia mucul di layar. Standing ovation, hampir semua anak angkatan gue yang hadir nangis. Kakak kelas mungkin bertanya-tanya 'ada apaan' dll but we're too caught up in the moment to care about anything else. Dia dikalungin goldstar sama Pak Ukim dan Pak Masribi Ali, personally.

And that was the last time I saw her, now she's gone for good and forever. This shows us that nothing is mortal, she's a hero to us. She fights with her illness, but maybe her battery has run out and now it's time for her to go. Bye Alyssa

Gue punya quote untuk dia

by Yuki Miyamoto (a fictional character in "Best Friend Until The End")
after writing this, she died

Soul is very valuable, like a battery that makes people live. But battery can runs out, so as soul. Battery can easily be charged, but soul can't. Soul is a gift from God that makes people stay alive for years. Without soul, people can't live. But there are some people who thinks that they don't need soul, and they wasted it. It hurts me whenever I see people wasting their lives, when actually it have to be used as well as possible. Because of that, I want to keep living until my soul dies.

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